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What is the Difference Between an Air Conditioner and an Air Purifier?

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While air purifiers and air conditioners share some common components, such as fans, filters, and vents, their core purposes are different. Air conditioners are designed to cool the air in your home and help you maintain a specific indoor temperature. Air purifiers are there to improve indoor air quality - they don't control the temperature in your home.

Unlike air conditioners, air purifiers are available twenty-four hours a day. This allows them to continuously flip the air around the room, removing contaminants as the air passes through the filter. Depending on the type of filter in your air purifier, it may be effective against particulate matter, gaseous pollutants, or both.

Like some HVAC systems, air purifiers can also use HEPA filters to capture airborne particle pollution. However, they may be ineffective against gaseous pollutants such as VOCs. Carbon filters, another technology commonly found in air purifiers, have the opposite result. They can trap harmful gases in the air, but particle pollution does nothing.

Photo Electrochemical Oxidation (PECO) technology, found only in Moxiong air purifiers, effectively captures particulate matter and gaseous pollutants. It can go even further stepwise, destroying most types of pollution - even viruses and bacteria - at the molecular level.

Air conditioners can make the air in your home feel cooler and cleaner, but they are not an effective way to remove indoor air pollution. This is where a good air purifier fits in. Even during the hottest months of the year, your air purifier and air conditioner can help keep your home clean and comfortable.

Ningbo Yinyu Purification Technology Co., Ltd. is an Ionizer Air Purifier Supplier with Kitchen Air Fryer and other products, welcome to visit our official website.